Glasgow Central

The busiest station in Scotland

This stunning, historic building is a favourite meeting point for many thanks to its shops, bars and restaurants. It even has its own guided tours, including of hidden underground vaults!

Maps of the station

Our interactive map will help you find your way around the station.

Alternatively, we have a PDF map below to help navigate your way around the station.

Station opening hours

  • Monday to Saturday: 04:00 – 00:30
  • Sunday: 07:00 – 00:30

Tickets and travel information

National Rail Enquiries
03457 48 49 50

Textphone: 0345 60 50 600
Welsh language line: 0345 60 40 500

Station enquiries

General station enquiries: 03457 11 41 41

British Transport Police

The British Transport Police office is by the entrance to the low-level station. If no one is there, use the phone by the entrance to contact police control.

For help call 0800 40 50 40 (24 hours), text 61016 or speak to a member of station staff. In an emergency call 999.

British Transport Police in our stations

Police patrol the station 24 hours a day.

Station tours

Find out more about Glasgow Central station tours.

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